Late report on week 5 “Gamble!” viewing session.

11 03 2010

Hello folks!

As we were looking forward to this viewing and wanted to receive some positive response from our tutors I thought that I should also make a short comment on how it went in week 5 “Gamble!” viewing.

The first surprise probably was that our job was analysed by another student group which was quite unexpected, though afterwards we were the ones who had a chance to analyse and also criticize a little bit next groups work, so that was the pleasant part of it.

As usual our story was easy to understand for the spectators, so regarding this point we didn’t experience too much criticism. Though once again our biggest stumbling block was capturing character’s emotions in close ups, this is something that follows us every week, so hopefully we will improve on this in deciding weeks.

Tutors enjoyed the opening scene where camera follows random people until it connects with the main character(check it out to understand what I’m talking about), also overall camera work was accepted quite well, with the exception of lacking close ups. Also acting received some praise as well, so well done for that Luke!

Sound was basically OK, though at some moments it was still a bit jumpy, that was a negative side of my work….

In conclusion, we did quite good, but once more we lacked those damn close ups, which are immensely important in our films, especially because we are one of the few groups that make “serious films without a laugh”, so we need those emotions….

Ilvo Kristapsons



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