Don’t do drugs! Or making of week 7 film.

19 03 2010

Hey, folks!

Finally the last week is here and our group has managed to put together another short film, this time about the consequences of drug consuming! No worries, this won’t be an awfuly didactic film with usual punch lines, we tried to get the message through with bags of dark humour. Iwan managed to turn up with a good script and also with some fragments of storyboard, so it made our job easier. Nicci was the director this week, as she already mentioned she was a bit worried about her responsibilities, but group encouraged her, especially Ali and in the end we managed to produce arguably our best piece!

Scott, our groups DJ, made some nice tracks, that pilled up a suspense, like in real horror movies!

Once again Ali did a great job with the editing and also an input in film making overall, he is our groups energy generator and without him it would be immensely hard to imagine our group! If I wouldn’t be so tired then I would probably pay a tribute to each member of our group, but maybe next time, don’t resent.

Lets see what will tutors say about this film tomorrow, I’m quite pleased with the outcome of this film as the progress progress, in my opinion, is quite obvious and that is the most important thing, that we dont stall our development.

Ok, that’s all for now. Another report after tomorrows session!


Ilvo Kristapsons



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