
26 03 2010

Hey folks!

Had some nasty problems with my “superb” computer so I really haven’t had a chance to update my part of this blog, until now. Last post on deadline day, as always I need to do everything in a hurry, as I just leave it till the last moment, typical student, what more can I add…Flickr

Alright lets start this, so I can run to the post office and hand in the letter with the assignment, as at the moment I’m enjoying my holidays at home and I’m 1900km away from Aberystwyth…


As you might have already read, this week was special! Indeed it was, as on Monday we attended our last screening this year, and not just a casual screening, but screening in “Arts Center Cinema”! Yes, we saw our and lots of other student films on the big screen. I think that this was one of those rare occasions when I was really waiting for Monday, not just because I would soon go back home, but this was a perfect conclusion of these last two months where we had done lots of practical work from which we will only gain in the future, and now we finally had a chance to show our arguably the best film to a wider audience.

The others.

At first I would like to comment on other group films as during the screening I experienced various emotions, ideas , so I managed to establish opinion how well everyone is doing and progressing and from that conclude an overall course efficiency.

I tried to watch the other group movies as a filmmaker, so it means not just in “I like this.”, “I don’t like this” way, but “How did they do that?” , “How well did it work?”, “How could they make it better?” etc.. I don’t want to be very specific on this one, but I can say that I liked some of the films, the ones that were, more or less, balanced in both categories “Picture” and “Story”. The most common problem was that groups could find the balance, between these to aspects(picture and story), some managed to work out a very well made picture, that looked very effective, but in terms of storytelling, character motivation etc. mostly these films started to “choke” and in the end usually there was one question in my head – “What just happened here?”. Other problem was completely different, story in terms of character build up, motivation and everything was worked out very well, but it was shot in the way that it was really hard to emotionally “get in touch” with the characters. But overall, I have to admit, all groups did very well, and we are still learning here anyway, I think that at the next year it will be even better!

A Night To Remember – Our film.

Got some harsh words for this one, of course I was surprised about that, audience enjoyed our film so did we, so in subconsciousness we were waiting from our tutors something like “Very well done lads!” and smiles, but soon the reality stroke us, I don’t want to repeat same things that Ali and other group mates already mentioned…. but, yes, we were cultivating hatred of women in our film and in all honesty I think that a very important detail here is that director for this film was Nicci (woman), so in case if she doesn’t hate her own gender, then I find quite amusing…  But at the end of the day, we still received a very positive feedback from fellow students and positive feedback is positive feedback, it’s always good to hear it. Ah, yes, we still got the runners ups for “Best Editing” in MPP awards, credit to Ali and Iwan(Ivan if you like) once more, they did a great job!

The end.

The End!

This course, for this year is officially over now(it was over on Monday already), I enjoyed this time very much and I’m really looking forward to the next year and hopefully it will be as exciting as this one. Thank you for reading our blog and especially if you were reading my posts, and see you soon!

Ilvo Kristapsons



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