In Conclusion…

24 03 2010

So, we’ve come to the end of our film workshop and hasn’t time flown?
Week 1: The Chase
Week 2: The Promotion
Week 3: Return Of The EX
Week 4: One Night Stand?
Week 5: Gamble!
Week 6: Help Me!
Week 7: A Night To Remember

I remember the first Monday of our Film Workshop, We had to put ourselves into groups and luckily for me I chose a great group. Ilvo was late and had to join out group but this benefited our group largely. As a group, wee had no idea what the tutors expected from us and I guess that is why our first film was so….bad?
Week 1: The Chase
Our general idea behind this film was to have a basic chase film but with a twist. We tried to make it look like two boys were chasing eachother, but they were actually racing to the pub. Well, we failed. The shots didn’t fit together and the things that we did actually film were random and pointless. Our editing wasn’t up to much either so all in all I’d have to rate the film… 3/10.
Week 2: The Promotion
This week wasn’t our best either although it did have some better qualities than the first film. It had an actual narrative which was good, also some dialogue. The camera angles flowed much better in the edit than The Chase and the dialogue was more realistic and believable. The film still wasn’t anything special, but an improvement. 6/10.
Week 3: Return of The EX
This film was the first film that had Luke, our actual actor, in it. It had a strong dialogue, good camera work and good lighting. The downside to the film was MY acting. I’m definitely not an actress! This was the first film that I watched back and though ‘Hey, we can actually make good films.’ The chemistry between Luke and Seren was great to watch. Our films were slowly improving 7/10.
Week 4: One Night Stand?
Obviously I am going to biased about this film. I wrote the script and had a definate idea in mind, including actors (My Boyfriend, Matthew Jones) and myself and the main actress. Although I am not a natural, I was the only female in the group and I thought that I could convey the message better than anyone else.
I liked the editing, the great use of black and white for flashbacks and the cross dissolves. I also liked the actual narrative (As I wrote it myself!). This was cringey to watch as it was me on a big screen snogging my boyfriend! haha! I just generally liked this film. 8/10.
Week 5: Gamble!
This film shoot didn’t go well. We really did not have any energy. I was on camera, which was very simple for this narrative. Although I did share with Iwan and he got a nice shot from an ATM up at Luke’s face. This was the second film with Luke acting and he was even more natural in Gamble! This film had a good story but it was a bit boring in my opinion. We could have done much better with the editing and the lighting on set was tricky with over exposure a big problem. Ok altogether, 7/10.
Week 6: Help me!
I loved this film! I thought it was one of our best! I loved the story, the way we captured drunken scenes by using handheld camera, the way the whole group was in the film and the use of music. It also had a nice ending, where everything worked out well! 8/10.
Week 7: A Night To Remember
This film was loved by peers and loathed by tutors! But, film-makers make films for the people, not for the critics. The film had drugs, gore and humor and I was initially worried about this. We had never made a ‘funny’ film before, but the comedy was subtle which made the film a little less in your face. I enjoyed covering our actors with paint and the scene where Luke takes the drugs is superb in my opinion. We put a great effect over the shot and also made him look sweaty with water and cut the scenes together very well.
I was the Director of this film and HATED it! I hate telling people what to do and I didn’t have a good enough grasp on the script to make the film good. I think this was a good film to end on and looking back I can really see our progress through the films.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience. I’ve learnt a lot more about film making, I now know how to set the exposure, set white balance, change the volume from the boom and I’ve learnt more about AVID editing suite. I’ve also made great friends, all the boys have been loads of fun to work with and I’ve learnt lots from their filming techniques too. It saddens me that it had to end!
Nicci Beacham xo

Week 7 – Murders Galore!

17 03 2010

This Monday we created a film that revolved around drug use, hallucinations and murder. It was great fun! I was Director for the first time and I see why. I have never been so stressed before! Trying to keep control of the actors and crew was an almighty challenge and didn’t go too well…

I don’t think we had a strong enough vision of the film to create a masterpiece in such a short time. Iwan wrote the script but some of us didn’t think it was a Comedy as he intended in the beginning so we had to change the genre of the film to an actual horror. We had more actors than ever before and there were clashes of opinions and lots of confusion!

One stregnth within the group was out artistic capabilities. The murder victims looked great as Ali, Luke and I covered them in paint and they looked bruised and bleeding. Fantastic! We were also very perfectionist with the sound and quality of the film, although this was time consuming.

After an hour flew past with only one scene being filmed, we all began to stress. Ilvo wanted to only film one murder but the rest of the group wanted to press on and film all that we could in order for the audience to grasp the whole reality of the narrative.

My aim in the media industry has never been to Direct and this film did not change my opinion. I hated telling people what to do and didn’t understand the narrative well enough myself to create a film that did it justice. I did enjoy myself, but I think I’ll stick to writting scripts in the future…

Nicci Beacham xo

Week 7 – Apprehensive

15 03 2010

This week is a defining week for Group H. We are being marked on our films and have decided to change the direction of our film making. Our group have made a name for ourselves with varied but all very serious films. Gamble was about a gambling addiction and it’s effects, Help Me! Was about financial difficulties and family illness, even one of our very first films The Promotion had a serious underlying issue. Iwan emailed me this weeks script and it’s about drug use but is also humerous, is this a good direction to take?

My favourite film was One Night Stand? Probably as I got to showcase my scriptwriting skills and I also got to act in it. Unlike this week’s film, it was serious with a hint of drama whereas we plan to make a comedy! I loved the feel of One Night Stand. There was mystery and a twist in the narrative and there’s such a thin line between being funny and just….not.

I am also apprehensive about the way we are all individually marked. Editor, Director and Writer are all easy to mark but what about the Sound Operator, Camera Man or Actors? I’ll have to get myself a defining role this week to ensure that my work goes noticed. I’ll be sure to blog after filming tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Nicci beacham xo


To watch past films.

Help Me!

9 03 2010

This has to be my favourite film so far! ‘Help Me’ has a strong narrative, was written well (Thanks Ali Watson), Filmed well (especially the hand-held parts) and the sound was superb, thanks to me. Adding the music in the edit has definately improved the final film and the editting was pretty good too…

I am very proud of this film, although it would be nice to find some other locations. I swear the only reason we go to Ewan’s every week is because he has four controllers and COD on XBOX… Now we just have to come up with an idea for next week…..any takers?

The Only Girl (Excluding Ewan) Nicci Beacham xo

Hello world!

18 02 2010

We are Film Group H Aber, Welcome to our page!