
Week 7

A Night To Remember
Iwan Davies

INT. Bedroom

Luke walking into the room while on the phone.


Yeah man, I heard this stuff is good shit, dunno how it works, but I heard it really messes with your head.
Catch you in the morning….

Luke sits down and takes out the bag of drugs, and fades into the next day.


Luke wakes up the next day with his head hurting with his alarm clock going off next to him.


Shit….. what’s the time? Fuck Ali ain’t gonna be happy

Luke looks for his phone in his coats pocket and phones Ali.


c’mon! c’mon, pick up! Hey man….


This is Ali’s phone, I’m not in at the moment so leave your name or number and I’ll call you back.


Sorry man I ain’t gonna make it today, cant remember fuck all about last night, Sorry. anyway give me a call when you get this, we can set something up another day.


Luke hangs up the phone and walks towards the bathroom and sees a body on the sitting on the toilet.


FUCK MAN, you scared me…. what the hell are you doing here? OI! Wake the fuck up.

Luke pushes Sam who’s sitting on the toilet and sees him covered in blood.



Luke reaches for his phone to call 999, but then has flashback of taking the drug and what happened to the guy on the toilet.

Sam walks into Luke’s bedroom and asks if he wants to go out.


Hey Man, fancy going out for a few pints?

Luke’s mind is messed up after taking the drug and punches Sam in the face. Luke then kneels down and knocks on Sam’s head.


Learn to fuckin’ knock!


Luke runs out of the bathroom and starts talking to himself.



INT. Kitchen

Has another flashback of what happened last night. Luke remembers walking into the kitchen where his other flatmates are cooking.


Hey Luke, you alright?


What the fuck did you just say to me?

Luke grabs Sara head and bashes it against the cooker and puts her head in the oven and says


Can you smell gas?

Nicci walks into the kitchen and sees Luke standing over Sara by the oven


hey Luke can you hang up your washing….. What the? What happened to Sara?

Luke grabs the iron and hits Nicci in the face.


Mind your face… it’s HOT!


Luke standing in the kitchen looking over the bodies and takes out the drugs from his pocket

Week 6

Help me
Ali Watson


Luke stumbles back still drunk from the night before. He finds it hard to stand up straight and with difficulty manages to put his key in the door.


Luke makes it to his hallway and crashes through his bedroom door to get to his bedroom. He falls onto it and goes straight into a deep sleep.

He wakes up fully clothed and on top of his covers. He checks his clock and sees that it is mid afternoon, he grabs his phone and checks it, he has one missed call from his mother and goes outside to ring her back. He lights up a cigarette and dials the phone.


Hey Mum, you rang me earlier but I was in a lecture…. What do you mean, How serious!? Well what did the doctor say?…..I’m coming I am, I’ll be home in the next few days, just stay at home and rest and I will be there as soon as I can I promise… I love you too.

Luke hangs up the phone and slumps back against the wall. He finishes his cigarette and runs back up to his room. He grabs his wallet and a jacket and heads towards campus.

EXT.Cash point by the arts

Luke queues up in the cash point with his card in his hand. He is hesitant about looking at his balance, tapping his card on his hand and not being able to stand still. He walks up to the cash point and puts his card in, he sighs under his breath


Please …..

The look on Luke’s face says it all, he presses the cancel button and retrieves his card. He leaves the cash point and heads back to his room.


Luke enters the hallway and slams the door behind him, one of his flat mates hears him come in and opens the bedroom door to see what the matter was. Luke barges past him and goes straight into his room. His flat mate re-collects himself and goes and knocks on Luke’s door.


Luke (knocks) Luke, are you OK


Just leave me alone I’m fine, just go away.


Alright mate I’m here if you need me.

Iwan goes back to his room and leaves Luke alone.

Luke sits on his chair by his desk staring blankly at the computer screen that is in front of him. (Need to show a weeks worth of time going past, using a clock or Luke moving round his room doing certain things in extreme speed)

Two of Luke’s housemates are in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea and talking. Both are laughing over a joke when the conversation turns to Luke’s lack of appearance over the last few days.


Have you seen Luke at all over the past week or so, last time I saw him he was acting strange, ran into his room and I haven’t heard a single noise since.


Nope I haven’t seen him either apart from up at campus, he didn’t even acknowledge I was there!


Its weird, I’m getting worried, we need to talk to him and see if he’s ok.

They leave the kitchen and go to Luke’s bedroom. They knock the door but there is no answer, they knock again louder.


Luke…LUKE open up we know you’re in there, come on we only want to chat… we’re worried, for fuck sake just let us know you’re alright.

Iwan and Nicci are about to walk back into the kitchen when they hear the door being opened from the inside. They walk in and the door shuts.


Nicci is cuddling Luke on his bed and Iwan is sat on the chair opposite.


Why the hell didn’t you tell us what was going on, we’ve been worried sick


I don’t know, I just didn’t want to worry anyone else. I thought it was easier if I just kept it to myself.


You idiot you know its easier to talk and we’re always here no matter what! its been a week, we’ll sort something out we promise


Thank’s guys.

The scene fades with all three of them talking again and Luke smiling that his friends are with him.


Its the next day and Luke wakes up and gets out of bed, getting ready for the day ahead, he has decided not to let things keep him down and do something about his situation. He walks to the bathroom and as he does he notices the envelope on the ground, he picks it up and there are 2 tickets and a note inside. The note reads : Luke, if you ever keep anything from us again we will be very angry, love from Iwan and Nicci. He leaves the room and heads for the Kitchen, through the window you can see them all stand up and embrace.

Week 5

The Gamble
Ali Watson


Luke is inside the Union bar playing on the fruit machines. He has a drink in his left hand and placing money into the machine.


Come on! I’ve already gone through 20 FUCKING POUNDS!!!!

Luke’s phone goes off and he stops playing on the machine. He answers the phone.


Heya. Oh right cool, has everyone else put the money in as well. Brilliant, I’ll go down to the estate agents tomorrow morning with all of it, we’ll have to sign the contracts next week alright? Cool, in a bit.

He hangs up the phone and exits the bar.

INT.Luke’s bedroom.night

Luke is sitting at his desk in front of his computer. He is looking on Natwest to check his account.


Bloody Hell….£1000

He sits back for a second and then starts changing the website. He goes onto a betting website and begins to click around. As the time goes on, he carries on drinking and gambling online.


Luke’s alarm clock goes off and he wakes up at his desk with a headache. He looks rough and and confused. He stands up and walks to the bathroom. he washes his face trying to recall what happened last night. He suddenly remembers and runs to his computer.


Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.FUCK! Please don’t tell me I used it all! Please. Please. Please

He waits for the bank page to load. He looks at the page to see that there is no longer any money in there as he has wasted it all. He leans back in his chair for a brief second and then looks around for his phone. He picks it up and dials.


Hey mate… no I haven’t been yet….look I got something to tell you, the money..its..its gone…. Please mate don’t be like that I’ll explain everything, come over now and get everyone else as well… See you in a….

The other person hung up the phone before Luke could finish.

Week 4

One Night Stand


Nicci Beacham

Scene 1.

INT. Girl’s bedroom. A boy and a girl are lying in bed asleep. The room itself is messy and alcohol bottles are seen by the side of the bed.

Extreme Close-up of girl’s eye. She has make-up under her eyes and her hair is a mess. She opens them slowly and looks around confused. As she sits up she winces and puts a hand to her head.

Scene 2. (Flashback)

INT. Halls Corridor. Mid Shot of both characters kissing passionately and pushing each-other across the corridor. Lots of heavy breathing.

Scene 3.

INT. Girl’s bedroom. Mid Shot of girl lifting the duvet slowly and gingerly. She tries to sneak out of the bed quietly but hits a photo frame as she does so.

She picks up shoes and clothes but as she does so the boy in the bed wakes up.

As he rubs his eyes:


What are you doing?

Girl looks surprised, but then her face relaxes.


Sorry, I was trying not to wake you.

As he outstretches his arms:


Come back to bed.



The girl climbs back into bed. She reached to the bedside table and picks up the photo frame.

Close-up of the photograph. The two characters with arms wrapped around each other smiling.



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